Tuesday, February 5, 2013


Jael's Lesson: 

Jesus loves you. He fills your every desire!

How many of you want to be married some day?

How many of you want your future spouse to be kind? Thoughtful? Godly? Cheerful? Loving? Dependable? Wise?

Jesus is all of those. He healed the sick and the blind and the lame. He provided a home for his mother while on the cross. He withdrew to lonely places to pray. He was filled with joy through the Holy Spirit (Luke 10:21). He blessed the little children. He was known to attend the required feasts each year. When he was 12, the elders at the temple asked where he got such wisdom.

And, what's even better is, he never changes!

Someday, if, by God's grace, you are married, your husband may die or get sick, and you are left by yourself. If you are dependent on him for your security, then such a blow could be crushing. But, what if, even before you met your husband, you had placed all your security on Jesus, who never changes, your source of security would remain constant, even through a traumatic situation. (Elliots, and the movie couple)
Jesus is so much better than anyone or anything in this world! He answers prayer like you wouldn't believe. (Story of listening device problems) He is with you when you pray. (Warm feeling)

He is totally amazing! He filled every nook and cranny with his warm, wonderful presence! In him is fullness of joy! (Joy experiences)

So seek him! He loves for you to look for him! Just like hide and seek and scavenger hunts are so much fun, searching for Jesus is a fun, rewarding experience. Jesus wants you took look for him. Read the Bible, expecting to find some little gem that he's hidden there just for you, today! Usually, when I do that, I come away with a notebook pages of notes, pointing out stuff he's put in there for me to find!

He loves you so much more than your dad or your mom, or any other person in the world! And he's always around. You can talk to him whenever you're happy or distressed. He wants to hold you when you're lonely, and living with you during every moment of every day! (Life is dull without him! Trust me!) (story of inviting Jesus out)

Sometimes, when I'm outside, praying out loud, I just hold out my land like I'm holding his, and it helps me concentrate.

So spend time getting to know him! He'll never let you down! He is the ONLY one who can fill ALL of your heart's desires, ALL the time.

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